Our Eco Fabric Wristbands are made in sunny South Wales, a short distance from the beautiful Gower Peninsula, They come with a significantly less co2 footprint than other suppliers who out source their production, the aluminium locks can be recycled and we package the wristbands in biodegradable packaging. We are super proud of this product and are seeing more and more of our customers choosing this over other wristband options. We now have complete control over production, quality and turn around times whilst delivering a high end environmentally friendly Fabric Wristband. Eco Fabric Wristbands are the most secure type of wristband we have available, they are ideal for use over a long period of time at indoor and outdoor festivals and they also act as a post event advertising tool because most attendees will wear the wristband for months after the event. Recently we are seeing more and more charities and fundraisers opt for Eco Fabric Wristbands over Silicone Wristbands.