
Cool Wave Can Stasher

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Free up fridge space and stash cans or bottles on top of each other  – very cool! Made from recycled plastic or rHIPS.b all in the UK, the Cool Wave makes an ideal promotional product for eco conscience companies that want to have lasting impact in the refrigeration area of the home. The Cool Wave […]

SKU: SM4255392


Free up fridge space and stash cans or bottles on top of each other  – very cool! Made from recycled plastic or rHIPS.b all in the UK, the Cool Wave makes an ideal promotional product for eco conscience companies that want to have lasting impact in the refrigeration area of the home. The Cool Wave can stack up to 6 cans or bottles vertically in the fridge, keeping the beverages nicely chilled while saving valuable shelf space. Ideal for drinks companies, universities, leisure industries etc.

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